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How Can I Keep New Year Resolutions?

Q: I made the usual New Year resolutions: Lose weight, eat right, be a better person. But I've made them every year! This year I'm serious. What should I do?

A: Those resolutions are what most people make for the New Year. Why don't we keep them? Because when we start out, we "try too hard", wear ourselves out, and decide that it's not worth it.

For example, you want to eat better. Instead of changing around all your food and eating habits, make ONE change for each meal. For example, remove one food item at each meal that's not so good for your and replace it with a fruit or vegetable. Or put the normal amount you eat on your plate, then take off one quarter, or one third of it. These little things will be easier to do, and when you see results, you will be more motivated to continue, or even do better.

You want to lose weight, so you go to the gym and work out for two hours and go every day. By the end of the week, you're exhausted, tired, cranky, and don't have time to do your normal things, so you dump the entire idea. Most gyms see a surge in business in January that drops off half way through the month, so you are not alone. Instead, start by adding 15 minutes of walking 3-4 days a week. You can do that! Or join a gym and set a reasonable schedule, like 45 minutes, three days a week. And choose a time, make a date with yourself, for convenient times, like right after you get off work, or even in the morning before your day starts. As you see results and get to know your body, you can adjust your schedule.

So make the resolution AND make a reasonable, simple plan to start. Then stick with it for one month, see how you feel. If you get results, make the adjustments you need to make it part of your lifestyle, not just a "diet" or a workout plan to lose a certain amount of weight.

Good luck. Let me know how things work out for you.

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