Pregnancy and Reiki

Q: My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for several years. We are going through the in vitro fertilization process, which is painful, stressful, and altogether a difficult experience. I used to go to my massotherapist for massage to help relax and unwind. But my body is so tender and sore, I can't even imagine letting her touch me! And after I am pregnant, I am concerned about the safety of massage. She suggested trying Reiki treatment. What is this? Is is safe to use while I am pregnant?

A. Reiki is a safe, natural gentle and effective complementary health technique. Many massotherapists learn Reiki to use in their practice. It is a way to balance the body's energy system and improve health. Because there is no physical manipulation of the body, it is safe to use during pregnancy. The treatment is done is a comfortable nurturing environment, often with soft music played to enhance relaxation. People often feel relaxed, yet energized, after a Reiki treatment. If you do not have a Reiki practitioner in your area, you can contact Calm Spirit for information about a distance treatment. Click here for the Reiki page for additional information about Reiki.

Thank you for your question. I hope you will let me know your progress.


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