Grieving a Miscarriage

How to Offer and Ask for Support

Q: My best friend and I are about the same age and we were both pregnant and expecting babies within a few months of each other. However, she had a miscarriage. Our friendship seems to be strained. I want to offer her support now more than ever, but just feel very uncomfortable. She has been hurt very much by people telling her that it was for the best, or that she can try again because she is young. What can I say, and how can I help her? I feel like I can't share the joy of my child with her, my best friend.

A: It sounds like you are having an experience similar to "survivor guilt", and yet you want to share this very special time of enjoying your first baby with your best friend. Miscarriage is common, affecting at least one in every five pregnancies, yet the topic is still social taboo. A grieving couple may find themselves up against a wall of silence from friends and family. We tend to shy away from the topic, make inappropriate remarks or ignore it completely because we don't know what to do or say.

Here are some helpful things you can do and say to your friend and her husband:

Encourage your friend and her husband to:

I hope you and your friend can work through this difficult time for the both of you. Please let me know how you and she are doing soon. And thanks for your question.

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