Internet Dating

Q: I've been divorced for five years. I have two teenage kids. I want to meet someone and start dating again, but it sure is difficult. It's been a long time since I dated, and I'm not very good at the bar scene. I am a little bit introverted, especially when I first meet someone. I've visited some of the online personal sites, and I'm thinking about internet dating. I think it would be easier to start dating online than "in person", but have some concern about the risks. Any advice for me?

A: E-mail is a great way to break the barrier when you first meet someone. If you feel overwhelmed when you visit the personals, an alternative is to visit chat rooms on a subject that interests you.
Many e-daters prefer to use personal sites that charge a fee, because the fee paid provides you with computer-generated matches, and gives you a way to connect with people while protecting your anonymity until you choose to reveal yourself. Take the time to create a profile that accurately reflects who you are.
If you post a photo, you will get more responses than if you don't. Keep your expectations about appearances realistic, because you will get to know each other by writing, and appearance is certainly not everything!
Be sensible about giving out personal information, trust your instincts and don't be deterred by people seeking only sexual encounters. They show up at every bar and party, so why should the web be different?
In some ways, online dating seems old-fashioned. It is a new technology that uses the old- fashioned method of letter writing. Writing to each other for a long period of time before meeting or speaking to a person gives you a chance to find out what's important. You don't get carried away by body language and chemistry online. If a person writes to you, tell them something about yourself in your reply. That invites them to do the same. Don't just write about sunsets and walking on the beach.

Thank you for your question, and I hope you find some interesting e-friends.

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