Is Your Child Being Sexually Abused/Molested


Q: After reading about sexual abuse of priests towards children, I have concerns about if my own child has been abused. He attends a Christian preschool, and I trust everyone there. What are some symptoms a child may show if he or she has been sexually abused?

A: Child molesters often find employment in positions where they can have contact with children. Since this topic has been in the media so much recently, it is natural to wonder if your child is being abused by someone you trust to teach or care for him. Here are some clues to possible victimization.

Abused children are often

Physical symptoms

Activity and habit clues

Age inappropriate behavior

Educational concerns

Emotional indicators

In general, when you see a change in behavior in your child, it is a signal that something is wrong. If you suspect your child is being victimized, please contact a professional counselor, psychologist or social worker who is mature and has experience working with children who are the age of your child. Counselors should have a license to practice, and also have defined areas of expertise. Be sure to check fees for services, and whether or not your insurance pays for the service. And if after a couple of sessions you find your child is not comfortable with the counselor, ask for a referral to someone else.

Thanks for your question, and please let me know if I can be of further assistance to you.


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