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Can I Change My Bad Luck?

Q:I've had five years of really bad luck. It there something I can do to end this streak? Why is it that some people are lucky at almost everything they do, and there is someone like me who could really use some good luck? Do you have any suggestions? People tell me I need "positive thinking"? What do you think?

A: There is a theory that positive thinking attracts positive results. For example, if you approach each day with an optimistic attitude, you will become more energetic, more clear in your thought process and more pleasant to be around. (More people around you creates more opportunity for success.)

Conversely, negative thinking can cause negative results. people who think negatively walk around with a black cloud over their heads, and people tend to avoid them. They also can become so burdened with their depression that they fail to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that come their way.

So make a conscious effort to change your negative thoughts and ideas to positive ones, and see if this makes a difference for you. There are examples in my article about negative self talk.

I hope this is helpful to you and that your luck changes. Please let me know how you are doing.

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