Seasonal Affective Disorder Depression

Q: I always get depressed in autumn. It's a beautiful time of the year, the weather is cooler and crisp, the leaves are gorgeous. But I feel so down and sad, I cry a lot, think about life going by so fast. I don't think I am REALLY depressed, where I need to see a doctor. Are there any natural herbs to help with this?

A: Some people are affected by the changing seasons of summer to autumn. There is less daylight, and the brains of some people become negatively unbalanced. It is referred to as "seasonal affective disorder". It sounds like there is a psychological aspect to your sadness, that of aging and your mortality. Maybe you are also in the "autumn" of your life. If you are not having morbid thoughts, or thinking of hurting yourself, you can try some of the natural herbal formulas that are available. St. John's Wort has become an herb of choice for many. Xiao Yao Wan has antidepressive properties and also helps with insomnia. Suanzaoren is also a mood elevator. Calcium and magnesium improve mood and help you sleep if taken near bedtime. You can try these for a couple of weeks, but if you do not start feeling better, you should consult your health care provider for more intervention. Also, you might want to seek some short term counseling, as cognitive therapy is shown to be as effective as antidepression medicine. Exercise raises your endorphine levels, and although it might feel like the last thing you want to do, make yourself do it and after a few days you will probably start feeling better. Qigong and taichi are also balancing practices, as is yoga. Try an herb and a practice. Contact me again if you are not feeling better, or if you would like to "talk". I hope you start feeling better again.


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